“Vision + Action + Reflection + Patience = Authentic Best Self” -China McCarney

In this episode Tim and China talk about the good old New Years Resolutions. Why do we always make January 1st so important? It is as if we think we can overhaul our entire thought process in one day. Tim and China discuss how we can maintain good habits and productive daily actions all year long and all life long.

What do we all want? We want to live our authentic life and be the best versions of ourselves. In order to get there we have to have a vision and take daily actions to get towards that goal. After that we need to reflect on those actions and see if we are getting close to that vision or not. Either way, it gives us valuable information as to what we need to do next.

If those actions are getting closer to our vision, we continue and build momentum. If those actions are getting us farther away from our vision, we make adjustments and continue to move forward. The final step is having the patience to achieve your goals. Patience is the hardest part but anything worth achieving takes time.

Set your vision. Take action. Reflect. Have patience. Enjoy your authentic self!

“Move forward and if you fall down, get up and move forward.” -Tim Dixon


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